Prime Minister meets with EU Military Committee chairman

ZAGREB, Sept 10 (Hina) - Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor met in Zagreb on Friday with the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee, General Hakan Syren, who congratulated Croatia on its membership in NATO and praised it for its contribution to UN, NATO and EU peacekeeping efforts.

Syren gave an overview of the EU security and defence policy and the main changes since the entry into force of the Lisbon reform treaty, and spoke of Croatia's role once it became a full member of the bloc.

Kosor said that, after joining NATO in April 2009, Croatia was now getting closer to becoming an EU member. She said that in its accession negotiations Croatia had opened all policy chapters and had closed two-thirds of them, adding that she expected the accession treaty to be signed in the spring of 2011.

Kosor said that Croatia fully supported its neighbours in Euro-Atlantic integration processes, adding that Croatia's EU entry and its membership in NATO would guarantee peace and stability in this part of Europe, with which Syren agreed.

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