Prime Minister Milanovic issues Christmas message

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Tuesday issued a Christmas message on his and the government's behalf with a wish, "in these holidays, which call for closeness and unity, to build courage with faith in a better and more secure tomorrow."

"Respect, love for the fellow man and dialogue even when we don't think alike are the greatest value of the Christmas message. Let's become aware of it genuinely and truly in our hearts, let's be generous, open to all people, let's accept difference. Let's not allow our philanthropy to end at the first temptation," Milanovic said.

"Let's build Croatia as a country of reconciliation, coexistence and tolerance, let's be an organised and civilised society finally turned to the future in which we will be able to work for the common good together and in harmony. Despite all the hardships, in the Christmas spirit of solidarity, let's sympathise with those to whom even the smallest act of human kindness and selflessness can make these days more beautiful, easing their loneliness and troubles," the message said.

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