Prime Minister Plenkovic and Chinese Prime Minister Li discuss cooperation

Photo /Vijesti/Vijesti fotografije/studeni/5 studenog/Riga.jpg

Croatia's Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Saturday held talks with the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Li Keqiang, on bilateral cooperation and a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in ports and port industrial parks

The meeting took place in the Latvian capital of Riga that hosted the 5th summit of prime ministers of central and eastern Europe and China.

Plenkovic expressed satisfaction with the talks with his Chinese counterpart, which focused on political and economic relations between Croatia and China and possibilities of Chinese investments into Croatia.

Later on Saturday, the memorandum of understanding on cooperation in ports and port industrial parks will be signed by Croatian Economy Minister Martina Dalic and the Chinese side.

Concerning this document, Plenkovic described it as "a good and quality framework for possible investments from China into Croatia in the sectors of infrastructure and transport."

This is significant in the context of Croatia's initiative "the Three Seas" (the Baltic, the Black and the Adriatic Sea). and in the context of the Chinese initiative of One Belt, One Road (abbreviated OBOR), the Croatian premier said.

He also underscored that the establishment of a direct flight services between China and Croatia that will be conducive to the plans of enabling a higher influx of Chinese guests in Croatia. Likewise, the talks in Riga also mentioned a possibility of organising a meeting between the tourism ministers of the the two countries.

China, with a 1.3 billion-strong population, has trade exchange with Croatia in the amount of a billion dollars, and Plenkovic believes that the trade with the "global actor" should be increased.

"Of course, our framework is defined by cooperation between the European Union and China. So, this is about a strategic partnership and encouragement of a wider trade cooperation. Our export-oriented companies can find ways how to reach the big Chinese market," Plenkovic said.

The Riga summit is part of China's 16+1 initiative aimed at advancing cooperation with 16 central and eastern European countries, of which 11 are European Union member states, including Croatia.

In the Latvian capital, Economy Minister Dalic held talks with the executives of a several Chinese companies that eye opportunities for investment in Croatia's infrastructure projects.

Text: Hina
