We call upon Russia to immediately stop the aggression and withdraw its forces from Ukraine

Photo /Vijesti/2022/02 veljača/24 veljače/VRH_7542 (1).jpg

Russia has, with unprovoked military aggression, grossly trampled on Ukraine's sovereignty and international law, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Thursday, calling on Moscow to immediately stop the aggression and withdraw its forces from Ukraine.

"This morning Russia began an unprovoked military aggression and invasion of Ukraine by shelling numerous targets all over Ukrainian territory, whereby it grossly trampled on Ukraine's sovereignty and international law," he said at a cabinet session.

This is the biggest military campaign on European soil since WWII and the most serious strike against the security of all of Europe, Plenković said, adding that, "with a brutal and massive attack, Russia has also trampled on the UN Charter and the Charter for European Security on which the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe rests."

"Russia has struck at the very foundations of the world order which is based on peace, stability and respect for the sovereignty and independence of nations. The whole situation is solely Russia's responsibility, which we call upon to immediately stop the aggression and withdraw its forces from Ukraine," Plenković said.

The open aggression against Ukraine and biggest military operation in Europe in the last 75 years "has dramatically changed international relations and the picture of the world as we knew it," he added.

Croatia is on the right side

Croatia was the victim of a brutal military aggression of the Slobodan Milošević regime 30 years ago, it knows best what that means and understands Ukraine, he said, reiterating the government's full solidarity.

"In December 1991, Ukraine was the first UN member state to recognise Croatia's independence and we all know well how much that meant to us. Now that Ukraine is a victim of aggression, it's up to Croatia to be on the right side, on the side of peace, freedom, democracy, solidarity and international law."

Plenković said Croatia would trample on all its principles if it did not stand side by side with the Ukrainian people, which he said had shown to be a great friend of the Croatian people.

Croatia stands ready to send humanitarian and technical aid to Ukraine and to receive Ukrainian refugees if need be, he added.

Plenković announced that tonight he would participate in an emergency European Council session at which a strong package of EU sanctions against Russia is expected to be adopted.

At the same time, "we care about keeping our friendship with the Russian people," he said, voicing hope that many in Russia do not support such a brutal attack.

Text: Hina
