World Bank one of Croatia's key partners

Photo /Vijesti/2019/03 Ožujak/13 ožujka/WB7.jpg

The World Bank has been one of Croatia's key international financial partners and cooperation in the next five years will be tightly connected with the issue of raising economic growth potential, it was said on Wednesday at the 25th anniversary of cooperation and partnership between the World Bank and Croatia.

Prime Minister Andrejl Plenkovic underscored that in the past 25 years the World Bank was one of Croatia's key partners with regard to international financial institutions through subsidies in reconstruction of war-torn areas, and through investments in the private sector, tourism and  enterprise sector as well as support for structural reforms which are currently being implemented in the judiciary and education.

Plenkovic underlined the support for the government's efforts in the Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem project with the World Bank being one of the institutions that along with the European Commission, recognised that project.

"With their consultant services, we are strengthening capacities and reducing regional imbalances in Croatia so that we can approach convergence with neighbouring EU member states as soon as possible, who were not faced with the same situation that we had in the 1990s and who in the first decade of this century developed faster and with greater support," Plenkovic said.

He considers that the five-year strategy, notably the cooperation plan will be complementary with what the government is doing via the national reform programme through the convergence programme including preparations to introduce the euro currency in a few years' time.

Text: Hina
