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Plenkovic for consensus to be made on targeted border checks by summerCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in Brussels on Friday after talks with European Council President Donald Tusk that a consensus should be reached before the summer on targeted border checks since the enforcement of a new European Union regulation on systematic checks has been causing long lines on the Croatian-Slovenian border. 28.04.2017. | News
Croatian PM sharply condemns incidents in Macedonian parliamentCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Friday condemned in the strongest terms an attack on deputies, reporters and police in the Macedonian parliament on Thursday and called on all political stakeholders in the country to calm down the tension in line with democratic principles and procedures. 28.04.2017. | News
PM says national reform programme has 3 goalsThe national reform programme which the government will present on Thursday, together with a convergence plan for the next three years, has three goals - boosting the economy's competitiveness, increasing employability, and maintaining public finances, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday. 27.04.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: HDZ will secure parl. majority, this gov't goes onThe ministers incapable of supporting their colleague in the government cannot be members of my cabinet, Prime Minister and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) leader Andrej Plenkovic said at an extraordinary news conference on Thursday after dismissing three ministers from the junior partner Bridge as they failed to support Finance Minister Zdravko Maric in the face of opposition demands for him to resign. 27.04.2017. | News
Croatian PM, Swiss president highlight economyCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Swiss President Doris Leuthard were agreed on Tuesday that the relations between the two countries are very good, that the ratification of Protocol III solved the issue of the free movement of Croatian workers. and that now it is necessary to boost economic cooperation. 25.04.2017. | News
Croatian PM receives Chinese Chief JusticeCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday received the visiting Chief Justice and President of the Supreme People's Court of China, Zhou Qiang, who praised the cooperation with the Croatian Supreme Court. 24.04.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: Absorption of EUR 10.67 mn is our obligation and challengePrime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday that the EUR 10.67 billion which is available to Croatia in EU funds represented "an obligation, a challenge and a task" for all in order to absorb and use these funds for specific projects. 24.04.2017. | News
PM Plenkovic: It is our lasting duty to develop a tolerant, democratic society with full respect for human rightsCroatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said after a commemoration for the victims of the World War II Jasenovac concentration camp on Sunday that he regretted that there was not only one commemoration because the victims deserved it. 24.04.2017. | News
Predsjednik Vlade Plenković s glavnim tajnikom Europske konfederacije sindikata VisentinijemPredsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske Andrej Plenković sastao se danas s glavnim tajnikom Europske konfederacije sindikata Lucom Visentinijem te hrvatskim sindikalnim čelnicima.  21.04.2017. | News
Tourist arrivals for Easter up 68%, bed nights up 94%During the Easter holidays, from 14 to 17 April, 117,300 tourists visited Croatia and generated 400,000 bed nights, up 68% and 94% respectively compared with last year, the Tourism Ministry said on Tuesday citing figures provided by the eVistor tourist check-in and check-out information system. 18.04.2017. | News