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Found 3669 news.
Parliament votes in favour of new veterans' affairs ministerRetired Brigadier-General Tomo Medved is Croatia's new Veterans' Affairs Minister after parliament took a vote of confidence on Monday with 88 MPs of the 130 present voting in favour of his appointment, 30 voting against and 15 abstaining. 21.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic visits Rimac AutomobiliPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic visited the Rimac Automobili company in Sveta Nedelja, and after the talks with the company's founder and owner, Mate Rimac, Oreskovic commented that the had seen state-of-the-art technology and the kind of business spirit he wished all of Croatia could have. 21.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic says deal with Turkey good for refugees, Europe and GreeceCroatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said on Friday that the agreement on the migrant crisis reached between the European Union and Turkey was a good solution. 18.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic attending key EU-Turkey summitCroatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic arrived in Brussels on Thursday for a summit of EU heads of state or government at which an agreement is expected to be reached with Turkey to stop the influx of migrants into Europe. 17.03.2016. | News
First Deputy Prime Minister Karamarko: It's important to relaunch production in TLMFirst Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Karamarko on Thursday visited the Impol-TLM factory in the central coastal town of Sibenik which was leased to the Slovenian Impol company and said that the most important thing was that production be relaunched. 17.03.2016. | News
Deputy Prime Minister Petrov to conduct negotiations with unionsThe Croatian government on Wednesday appointed members of committees to conduct negotiations with unions on amendments to collective agreements and the basic wage in the public sector, with Deputy Prime Minister Bozo Petrov at their helm. 16.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic confident Medved will be excellent veterans ministerPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said on Tuesday he was confident that Tomo Medved would be an excellent war veterans minister because as president of the Tigers veterans association he knew their problems well.  16.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic announces cuts to parafiscal charges by year's endThe introduction of an online central land registry is a key reform that will speed up many other decisions by the government, Prime Minister Oreskovic told the conference "Business Climate in Croatia - An Opportunity or Challenge", organised by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK). 16.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic, Slovenian parliament speaker say relations betterCroatian-Slovenian relations are much more open and cordial than under the previous Croatian government, Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic and Slovenian Parliament Speaker Milan Brglez said on Wednesday, the Croatian government said in a press release. 16.03.2016. | News