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PM Oreskovic in Bruxelles: We agreed a joint framework, over the next 10 day we will have concrete agreement EU leaders have reached the outlines for a possible deal with Turkey regarding managing the migrant crisis and entrusted European Council President Donald Tusk to negotiate details with Ankara so as to define a more concrete agreement, Croatian PM Tihomir Oreskovic said after a meeting in Brussels which ended early on Tuesday morning. 08.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic: Closing Balkan route should be main messageArriving at an EU-Turkey summit on the migrant crisis in Brussels on Monday, Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said that he expected that the main message of the meeting would be the closing of the western Balkan migrant route which Middle Eastern refugees are using to reach western Europe 07.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic, Qatari ambassador talk LNG terminalPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic met on Friday with Qatari Ambassador to Croatia Moza Bint Nasser Bin Ahmed Ali Al-Thani for talks on bilateral relations and possibilities of economic cooperation, notably regarding liquefied natural gas (LNG), the government said in a press release. 04.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic meets with war veteransrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic received a war veterans' delegation on Friday, saying he wanted to hear first hand what their problems were and what the government could do to resolve them together with them as partners. 04.03.2016. | News
Government amends laws to enable army deployment for border protectionThe Croatian government on Friday adopted draft amendments to the laws on border control and defence to allow the armed forces to help the police in guarding the frontier when that is necessary for security or humanitarian reasons. 04.03.2016. | News
Government analyses economic recovery measuresIn order to achieve economic recovery in Croatia, it is vital to implement the Croatian Democratic Union's (HDZ) Programme of Economic Reforms for Sustainable Growth and Employment and the Bridge party's Reform Plan, which were the basis for reaching the agreement to form the government. 04.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic and Swedish ambassador talk economy and EU-Turkey summitPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Thursday met with Swedish Ambassador Lars Schmidt and spoke about economic cooperation and the coming summit between the European Union and Turkey on the migrant crisis. 03.03.2016. | News
Prime Minister Oreskovic: Government ready to cooperate with employersPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic told the Croatian Employers' Association (HUP) on Thursday that the government was prepared for cooperation with employers with the aim of acting together as partners in creating and implementing economic measures, the government said in a statement. 03.03.2016. | News
Schengen has no alternative for managing migrant crisis, say Tusk and OreskovicPrime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic and the visiting European Council President Donald Tusk agreed during their talks in Zagreb on Wednesday that applying the Schengen regime in managing the migration crisis had no alternative. 02.03.2016. | News