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Prime Minister Milanovic: Croatia is today a much more organised country, rules are clear and these are being respectedPrime Minister Milanovic attended "Economic Policy Debate", a survey called "The Economic Situation of the Croatian Nation in mid 2015." 02.07.2015. | News
Government rejected Visia Croatica bid for Institute of ImmunologyEconomy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak said his ministry, after analysing the bid, held consultations with the institute's management and unions, and they decided that the bid "certainly can't provide for the survival of the Institute of Immunology in the long term" 02.07.2015. | News
Government will pay for textbooks for students from needy families eligible for social welfareThe Croatian government on Thursday decided to co-finance 50% of the cost of the purchase of textbooks and supplementary material for the 2015/2016 school year for primary and secondary school students from needy families eligible for social welfare 02.07.2015. | News | Education
Croatia begins process of applying for Schengen Area membershipOn Wednesday, two years after becoming a full member of the European Union, Croatia began the process of applying for membership of the Schengen Area, in which citizens of the EU member states can move freely without being stopped at border crossings. 01.07.2015. | News
Deputy Prime Minister Grcic on #VladaUP: Croatia has drawn 105 million euros more than it has paid into EU budgetThe Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds, Branko Grcic, said on Wednesday that since the beginning of the European integration process Croatia had drawn about 1.6 billion euros and paid about 750 million into the EU budget 01.07.2015. | News
Prime Minister Milanovic: Interpellations by HDZ and ORaH are unfounded Prime Minister Milanovic said in Parliament that the interpellations by opposition parties HDZ and ORaH about the government project concerning oil and gas exploration and exploitation in the Adriatic Sea were not backed up by valid arguments  01.07.2015. | News
Vice president of the Government Grcic on celebration of Chamber of Trades and Crafts day Addressing the event, Regional Development and EU Funds Minister Branko Grcic said that after six years of crisis, Croatia was witnessing growth and recovery trends that were evident in all indicators, including those on small businesses 01.07.2015. | News
Croatia to receive grant of 45m CHF for projects within the Swiss-Croatian cooperation programmeCroatia today becomes the 13th country to formally participate in the programme that aims at reducing the social and economic disparities in the European Union. 30.06.2015. | News
Croatia's industrial output up 4.4% in MayCroatia's industrial production grew 4.4% in May on the year, and May was the fourth straight month with a positive growth, according to figures released by the Croatian national statistics office on Monday. 29.06.2015. | News