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The government of Croatia strongly slams Split incident 13.06.2015. | News | Press releases | Society and citizens
Minister Ostojic on Zagreb PrideVice President of  the Govenrment and Interior Minister Ranko Ostojić attended 14th Gay Pride parade held in the Croatian capital of Zagreb on Saturday 13.06.2015. | News
Prime Minister Milanovic: Reducing interest rates is in interest of peoplePrime Minister commented the announcement by commercial banks that they would sue the Croatian government to the EC over its decision to limit contractual default interest rates, saying that the government's measure was sensible, well thought out and in the interest of people 12.06.2015. | News
Minister believes IPO for HAC ONC to be finalised by year's endBy the end of this year, money could be collected through the initial public offering (IPO) of shares in the HAC ONC motorway maintenance and toll company, intended to cover a part of the debt of the Croatian Motorways (HAC) and Rijeka-Zagreb Motorway (ARZ) companies 11.06.2015. | News | Transport, Maritime and Infrastructure
Government endorse bill to lower default interestThe Croatian government endorsed a bill of amendments to the legislation regulating relations between contracting parties, which will result in decreasing default interest and which was praised by Justice Minister Orsat Miljenic as the first step towards legal regulation of interest rates 11.06.2015. | News | Economy
Government presents web site for exportersCroatian government officials on Thursday presented a web site intended for exporters offering useful and relevant information to exporters and those wishing to enter foreign markets at the address 11.06.2015. | News | Trade and Investments
Government presents web site for exporters 11.06.2015. | Announcements
Prime Minister: Government seeking solution for immunology instituteThe Croatian government is continually working on trying to find a solution for the Institute of Immunology which has been neglected for years, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Wednesday in Brussels where he is attending the EU-CELAC summit 10.06.2015. | News