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Found 3669 news.
Prime Minister Milanovic issues Christmas messagePrime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Tuesday issued a Christmas message on his and the government's behalf with a wish, "in these holidays, which call for closeness and unity, to build courage with faith in a better and more secure tomorrow." 29.12.2014. | News from media
Croatia preparing project to develop digitally mature schoolsDigitally mature schools connected to the Internet and fully equipped for IT-facilitated learning are the future of every progressive contemporary educational system, it was said at a conference organised by the Croatian Information Technology Association (CITA), the umbrella organisation of Croatian ICT experts founded in 1975. 14.12.2014. | News
PM Milanovic attends boat handover ceremony in TurkmenbashiCroatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic and Turkmenistan's President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow on Friday attended a ceremony at Turkmenbashi's port on the Caspian Sea at which a ferry boat built by the Uljanik shipyard from Pula for the Turkmen state agency for maritime and river navigation was handed over, the local news agency TDH reported. 05.12.2014. | News
Economic sentiment improves in Croatia, unchanged in EUThe Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) in November markedly improved in Croatia compared to October, while this indicator remained mainly unchanged in the European Union, according to a press release from the European Commission. 27.11.2014. | News