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PM Milanovic announces new decision on EAW in coming daysPrime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Thursday asked the Croatian public for a little patience over the next few days when consultations should be conducted on the dispute relating to the implementation of the European Arrest Warrant and promised that after that a decision would be made that "will be good for Croatia."

19.09.2013. | News
PM: Croatia will honour EAW, nobody will evade justicePrime Minister Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that Croatia would honour all its commitments from the European Union accession treaty and the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), and that nobody, "not even those whose names are being mentioned," would evade justice.

17.09.2013. | News
PM, minister present education, science and technology strategyPrime Minister Zoran Milanovic and Minister of Science, Education and Sports Zeljko Jovanovic on Monday announced a new education, science and technology strategy that should come into force in 2018 and which, as they said, would be founded on the idea of creating a society of equal opportunities based on know-how, where education and science are development priorities not only for Croatian society on the whole, but for each individual that lives in it.

16.09.2013. | News
Italian, Croatian and Slovenian PMs push for stronger cooperationCroatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic and his Italian and Slovenian counterparts, Enrico Letta and Alenka Bratusek respectively, on Thursday held a trilateral meeting in Venice and at a news conference after their talks they expressed satisfaction with meetings of this kind, announcing the establishment of a trilateral working group to be tasked with cooperation in energy and infrastructure in the northern Adriatic region.

12.09.2013. | News
Government sends set of construction bills to parliamentThe Croatian government sent the construction, spatial planning and building inspection bills to parliament on Thursday with a view to simplifying administrative steps that precede construction and encouraging investment in the construction sector.
  12.09.2013. | News
Croatian PM says Latvia good example of how severe cuts workLatvia responded to the tough crisis and deep recession with severe cuts and is an example of how severe measures can lead to economic growth, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said in Riga.

06.09.2013. | News
Government giving fourth chance to reach pre-bankruptcy settlementThe government on Thursday passed a regulation introducing into the law on financial operations and pre-bankruptcy settlement changes that were expected to facilitate pre-bankruptcy settlement proceedings and increase the number of saved companies, raising the number of pre-bankruptcy settlement attempts from three to four.

05.09.2013. | News
PM says rule of law must be complied with in VukovarPrime Minister Zoran Milanovic has said that the rule of law must function and the placement of dual-alphabet signs at public institutions in Vukovar are the final act of the reintegration and integration of that town into Croatia.

05.09.2013. | News
Deputy PM: Slower GDP contraction raises hope of turnaroundDeputy Prime Minister and Regional Development Minister Branko Grcic on Friday said that a negative economic growth of -0.7% in the second quarter of 2013 "is a relatively good, although insufficient, but indicative move towards the positive direction", given that the GDP contraction was now at a slower pace.

30.08.2013. | News
Government set to encourage development of leasing companiesThe government on Thursday sent to parliament a leasing bill aimed at expanding the activity of leasing companies and stepping up the control of their operations.
  29.08.2013. | News