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Prime Minister supports proposal that state officials not be appointed to supervisory boards ZAGREB, July 9 (Hina) - Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, who is the leader of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), on Monday received for talks Peasant Party (HSS) leader Josip friscic and Social Liberal PArty (HSLS) leader Djurdja Adlesic, expressing full support for the two parties' proposal that state officials should not be appointed members of company supervisory boards, the government said in a statement.

11.07.2007. | News | Press releases
PM Sanader meets Banja Luka archbishop Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on Monday received for talks the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Banja Luka, Franjo Komarica.

09.07.2007. | News | Press releases
President, Prime Minister determined in fight against bribery, corruption ZAGREB, July 4 (Hina) - Croatian President Stjepan Mesic and Prime Minister Ivo Sanader will not give up the determined battle against bribery and corruption and all forms of organised crime, regardless of attempts at media and intelligence manipulation by some groups from the intelligence underworld and criminal circles, read a joint statement.

04.07.2007. | News | Press releases
Task force for Viktor Lenac shipyard holds session 02.07.2007. | News | Press releases
Sanader, Putin meet Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader met Russian President Vladimir Putin at the regional energy summit in Zagreb on Sunday.

24.06.2007. | News | Press releases
PM Sanader issues Statehood Day message Prime Minister Ivo Sanader on Saturday issued a message on the occasion of Statehood Day, June 25.

23.06.2007. | News | Press releases
Government satisfied with outcome of Brussels summit The Croatian government is satisfied with the successful outcome of the European Council meeting in Brussels which created the foundations for a new, better institutional activity of the EU, while at the same time providing for its further enlargement, notably with regard to Croatia.

23.06.2007. | News | Press releases